WHD 2021 - 08

"A healthy mind is able to engage in creativity when it comes to finding solutions. It is also able to process experiences without constantly be in a downward spiral of negative thoughts." - Melanie Chuah, Director, Shining Bloom Healing

What were your biggest fears in your growing years?

Oh, there were many. The most common ones for me were the fears of not being good enough, not being loved, and being rejected by others.

How did you overcome those fears?

I thought running away from them helped so I did a lot of that. Eventually, I got tired of running away and decided to charge head-on by confronting them. 50% of my attempts worked, others backfired marvellously. A few years ago, I discovered a meditation technique called Theta Healing® that helped me to discover the root of my fears through gentle inquiry. Since then, it has been easier for me to approach any fear-inducing situations with courage and trust.

What were your workplace anxieties when you started your professional career? How did it overall impact your performance?

I started working in a community centre that serves marginalized populations. There were strict standards of care to ensure the well-being of our clients and ourselves. So, one of the anxieties I have experienced was to make quick and accurate decisions in times of crisis. I also juggled other responsibilities as a coordinator, so calmness was much needed at that time.

In my initial months, I forced myself to exceed expectations at the expense of my health. Over time, I came to realize that I was not needed as much I thought I was. So, I dialled my efforts down to a more balanced level. Surprisingly, my performance reviews did not take a huge hit. I was more present with myself.

How did you overcome those anxieties?

I decided to relax more and prioritize the types of decisions that I need to make. I also worked on myself to build self-acceptance and self-worth. The knowingness that I am worthy was a game-changer for me.

What do you wish professionals knew about mental health?

Mental health is physical. It’s not only based on awareness of thoughts and feelings. The red flags show up in the least expected moments such as difficulties falling asleep, change of eating habits, and inability to keep up with personal hygiene. By adjusting physical habits back to their balanced state, the effects on mood and cognitions can be immediate.


What are the workplace practices that can worsen or enhance the mental health of employees?

A culture of compassion, acceptance, openness, support, and accountability helps in destigmatizing conversations on mental health. Therefore, it allows employees to reach out when the need arises. People need trust before opening up about their current situation. When trust is appreciated and honoured, this will cultivate the openness to seek support.

I added accountability here because people are generally results-oriented when they seek support. So, it helps when the request for support is taken seriously and the follow-up process is thorough. Remember, most people are conditioned to NOT seek support because it was initially believed to be a sign of weakness. It is different now.


What are the major causes aggravators of mental health problems associated with work?

I’ll list them down below:

Feeling underappreciated and unappreciated at work.
Bullying and harassment.
Lack of support and structure during times of stress at work.
Lack of healthy boundaries and inconsistency in implementing them.


Describe a “healthy mind” in your own words

A healthy mind is able to engage in creativity when it comes to finding solutions. It is also able to process experiences without constantly be in a downward spiral of negative thoughts. It is also able to recall both pleasant and unpleasant memories when the situation arises.



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